Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Find the Right Tutoring Jobs

How to Find the Right Tutoring JobsSo you are considering taking up a job tutoring kids? There are many jobs available in this area, such as the Princeton Review Tutoring Jobs, but only a select few will offer you what you really want.Now, it's true that there are a lot of tutoring jobs that require you to pay for a day job, but if you are willing to do some extra work, then these tutoring jobs can be quite beneficial. These are often times the ideal jobs for those who want to juggle both working full time and maintaining a tutoring business. If you are serious about taking on a tutoring job, here are a few tips for you.First, make sure that the job you are looking at is really within your budget. Many people fall into the trap of thinking that just because they can afford to pay more for a tutoring job, that the job will be better for them. It's not always the case. When choosing a tutoring job, always keep in mind that the better you know the subject, the more you are likely to get paid.Another good tip is to keep your costs down by hiring someone to do the teaching for you. You may think that you do not need to be teaching, but think about it, the children will learn a lot from their own tutors. So make sure you find a tutor who are competent and knowledgeable in your chosen subject, rather than someone who are teaching because they love to teach.Make sure you understand all the small print that you have agreed to when you signed up. If the tutoring job is going to be full time, then you must make sure that you are aware of any costs that are going to be involved. Also make sure that you are clear about any bonus packages that are being offered, such as laptop time, and any other benefits that may be given out to those that sign up.Always think about the subjects that you are going to be tutoring in a similar subject. Many tutoring jobs include something like doing research for your clients. These days, many parents are taking their children to libraries to read books, so take the time to find a tutor that is familiar with the topic.Take advantage of your own ability to get work done on your time, rather than always having to put your home on hold just to be able to finish a project. Once you have found a tutor, be sure that you give them enough time to really get to know the child that you are teaching. And be sure that you maintain a communication system in order to prevent problems with things such as fees and delivery.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Surprisingly Good College Majors To Consider

5 Surprisingly Good College Majors To Consider ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog MyGuru doesn’t discriminate â€" we provide tutoring in almost all subjects and standardized tests. However, students certainly request tutors in some subjects much more than others. This got me to thinking about the various classes students can take in college, and the various majors to which those classes lead. This is a three-part post that covers two topics: What criteria to use in choosing a college major and 5 example majors which are surprisingly good choices In this post, part 1, we discuss the criteria one should use in choosing a major and the first recommended college major: Philosophy. When I was in college, which was longer ago than I’d care to admit, there were certainly some majors which lacked credibility and/or were viewed as less effective or desirable on the job market. But at the time that students are choosing these majors during their freshman and sophomore years, some significant portion of the student body doesn’t really know what they want to do with their lives yet. Luckily, the process of taking various classes in college has a way of helping determine one’s future career path. But this creates a potential and obvious problem. What if you choose a major which requires you to take relatively specific classes, but then find out you don’t really enjoy that major and the career path to which it leads? What can you do to avoid this situation? Here are some suggestions. If you don’t know exactly what you want to do, you should choose a major which: Doesn’t require highly specialized classes during the sophomore or even freshman year Is difficult, and thus impressive to potential employers Creates options in terms of future career paths You have some reason to believe you are good at You have some reason to believe you will enjoy With these criteria in mind, we’ve developed five recommended college majors. The idea here is to suggest majors that might make you think twice â€" which at first glance seem like risky choices because of a lack of job options or too narrowly focused, but which actually cover most of the points above. I’ll also make a point to compare the suggested major with other, more common majors to explain why my suggestion might be a better option. The college majors we’ll be recommending in this three-part series include: Philosophy Economics History Physics English Suggested Major #1: Philosophy Many people consider Philosophy as a major and immediately dismiss it. They might ask what profession leads directly from a degree in Philosophy. You might say, “well, you can really only hope to go to graduate school, then get your PhD in Philosophy, and become a professor.” That’s certainly an option. But, it’s not the only option. Many people imagine Philosophy majors as abstractly thinking about high level questions that have absolutely no bearing on everyday life â€" why are we here, what does it mean to be good, etc. The end result of this type of thinking is â€" “who in the world would hire a Philosophy major?” Well, I certainly would. Having taken Philosophy classes and received a minor in Philosophy, I’ll tell you that they are not easy classes. They require you to think really hard about scenarios and construct strong arguments. The required amount of analytical thinking and logic is extremely high throughout a Philosophy curriculum. It might be obvious to most people that a Philosophy major reads a lot and writes a lot of papers. What might not be obvious is that they also take more than a few logic classes. Have you ever taken an actual logic class? Well, it comes very close to Math. As a high end business strategy consultant prior to founding MyGuru, my job involved relatively intense analytics â€" mining data, running statistical analyses, looking for insights and trends about the business or industry. At the same time, we needed to communicate and influence our clients, peers, and superiors, through both in-person meetings and written documents. Over the years, I’ve reviewed a lot of resumes and done a lot of interviews with potential business analysts. I’ll tell you that a Philosophy major was much more impressive to me than a Marketing, Business Administration, or Communications majors. I’d argue that the optionality provided by a Philosophy major is much, much higher than many assume. You can get into business, law, and any career involving lots of writing. And, if you want, yes â€" you can become a Philosopher. If you're interested in taking Philosophy courses but may need a tutor to truly understand all of the information and abstract ideas, check here for a list of our tutors who have experience with Philosophy. In our next post, we’ll cover two more recommended majors: Economics and History. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});

10 Hints to Take the Mystery Out of Learning Grammar in a Foreign Language

10 Hints to Take the Mystery Out of Learning Grammar in a Foreign Language 10 Hints to Take the Mystery Out of Learning Grammar in a Foreign Language Grammar. It’s a love-hate dynamic for many people.Mostly, it’s more hate than love.If most of us were asked to give a talk titled Grammar Tips 101â€"using our native language as the focusâ€"we’d probably try to find a way out of giving the speech. Wed  wrack our brains for somethingâ€"anythingâ€"else to do.Root canal, anyone?Let’s face it, many of us cant explain the ins and outs of every grammar rule in our native language. It’s the truth, right?So why would we get excited over dealing with grammar in a second language? It can even be a scary topicâ€"an excuse, even, for considering not to attempt to learn a new foreign language.But wait right there! Giving grammar that much weightâ€"the ability to dissuade us even the tiniest bit from learning a languageâ€"is definitely not a good idea.Remember, when you learned your first language as a child, you knew nothing of grammar. You just started speaking and putting newly-learned words into use  and eventually, you intuitively f igured out the rest along the way.At least at the beginning, you should start to learn a second language in much the same way. Language learning is an interactive, social endeavor and when you approach it that way, all things, including grammar, eventually fall into place.First, lets quickly define grammar and consider how important it really is. After that, Ill give you 10 great hints to help you get a grip on the ever-challenging grammar issue! Grammar, Defined for the Language LearnerMost of us have a vague idea of what exactly constitutes “grammar,” but do you  really know what it is?Fortunately, its pretty simple: Grammar is the system and framework  of a language. Basically, it’s the way sentences are structured.It includes morphology and syntax.A bit fuzzy about those terms?Morphology is just the study of the forms of words.And syntax?It’s a fancy name for the way we arrange words and phrases in order to construct concise, well-formed sentences.If that all sounds si mple and straightforward, thats the idea. Dont lose yourself in complex, linguistic definitions when it comes to grammar and its many nuances.For the language learner, a simple understanding of what grammar is, and what its main function is, should be more than enough.When to Address the Grammatical Elephant in the RoomIt has been suggested that grammar shouldnt be the top priority when learning  a language. That school of thought suggests that we should invest time in speaking, reading and learning before putting energy into memorizing grammar rules.In other words: Learn, converse and make mistakes first, and then address any grammar issues as they arise.Even when you use the hints in this post, you’ll still have a few grammar bumps. Take them as they come and look for a hint that will help get you over the bumpy parts!Most issues sort themselves out naturally, so just keep at it!How, then, to sufficiently master grammar without losing hope and giving up?10 Hints to Take the Myst ery Out of Learning Grammar in a Foreign Language1. Master the Basics Before GrammarYour first hint?A simple one: When basic skills are mastered, address grammar. But not before then.Get your feet under you and feel comfortable with this new adventure. Don’t stress about grammar until you’ve got a grip on the so-called basic skills of listening, repeating and understanding some of the new language.How to get the basics under your belt? Time and effort. Put in time to listen, pause, repeat and listen some more. If you dont understand something, go back and either redo a lesson, read a chapter over again or find another method (like a video or graded reader) to reinforce the rudimentary aspects of the new language.2.  Come to OrderNumber two?Pay attention to word order.By speaking, reading and listening, language construction will become moderately apparent. For example, word order, gender assignations and article placement can all be gleaned through basic study without particular attention to “grammar” per se.At first, just make mental notes of how words appear in sentences. Try to pick up on general patterns, without consulting a grammar book for the specific rules that dictate them. You’ll be surprised by how much you’re learning, without busting your brain cells.3.  Grab Your Gear!The third hint is almost too obvious, but it’s important.Assemble your grammar gear.You wouldn’t try to fix a leaky pipe without a wrench, would you?Getting any job done requires the right tools!So don’t try to learn a language without a good dictionary and conjugation resources. All are readily available online or for free in libraries so there’s no excuse for not having what you need.For example,  ECTACO is a free online multi-language dictionary thats very handy for a quick reference in any of more than two dozen languages!If youre into e-books, which can be super convenient for language learners and eliminate the tedium of flipping through endless pages to f ind what youre looking for, check out the quality (and less expensive) grammar books and dictionaries available for a variety of languages on VitalSource. Their Bookshelf app is a convenient way to access and read any of your learning material whenever you need it.4.  Keep Materials HandyNumber four goes along with number three in that you should always have your resources at hand! Its easy to find the answer to  a question when everything is at your fingertips.Use a mobile translation app  and you’ll never wonder what something means or if you’re using a phrase correctly.  Some of them can demystify  text, websites and conversations in over 100 languages.5.  Settle In and Watch VideosThe fifth hint is one of my favorites: Watch videos!That’s right, videos are part of your grammar demystification kit. There’s definitely no need to tell me twice to do this one!Hearing a language gives a learner the ability to catch the cadence and nuances of the spoken word. Also, hearing mor phology and syntax in action definitely beats reading about it in a book!Videos about verb conjugation and other grammar topics are also available on YouTube in many languages. It’s well worth your time to check out whats available in your language, such as:Spanish  â€" The Spanish Dude  uses his channel to dig deep into Spanish verb conjugations and other vital grammar topics, and he does so with personality, engaging visuals, real-world topics and loads of humor.French â€"  Learn French with Vincent  is a channel designed for learners at all levels, from beginner to advanced. Vincent is a fun host but the lessons are often demanding and set up in a progressive manner that brings skills to new levels in a logical order.German â€"  Deutsch für Euch  is geared toward native English speakers. Its focus is on explaining grammar so this one is a huge asset to the grammar learning kit.Italian â€"  Torre di Babele  has been in operation since 1984 and is a language school authorized by the Italian Ministry of Education. Its Italian language courses are filled with informative culture tidbits, reviews about events in and around Rome and wine-tasting tips. Theres something for everyone on this channel.Japanese â€"  Learn Japanese From Zero!  is a YouTube channel that can either be used in conjunction with the online Japanese From Zero! books and course  or on its own.  The host is a guy named  George whos witty and engaging and who explains  the language in small steps that make it easy to learn. He even brings his cat to some of the lessons!Chinese â€"  AskBenny  is not a new series but its still very useful. Benny tackles necessary subjects including food, weather and other basic concepts. His sense of humor translates well and the videos are short, entertaining clips.English â€"  Anglo-Link  covers all aspects of English language learning and puts an emphasis on building confidence through increased fluency. The 650-million-plus views say it all: This channel do es a good job and keeps learners coming back.And it’s a snap to locate similar resources for almost any other language, too.6.  Fit Practice into Every Part of Your DaySorry, but the sixth hint isn’t as exciting as number five wasâ€"although it is essential.Practice. That’s it. The hint is practice, practice, practice!In the car or at home alone? Speak aloud. Or sing. No one can hear you, so  dont keep the  volume down, either!Waiting in line at the grocery store? Whip out your phone, pull up a translation app and pop in a few words. Memorize them before its your turn to check out.Challenge yourself to recall the last lesson you worked on without referring back to it. Practice pulling the information from your mind. Its in there, you just have to work on getting it front and center.There’s no substitute for a good practice session. Use the language daily. Repetition simply drills the basic rules into our heads through usage.7.  Dont Forget the Written WordHint number seven i s found on the written page. You guessed itâ€"reading is a perfect way to conquer grammar.Why? Quite simply, reading gives you  examples of grammar rules in action. Seeing the rules used in black and white really puts the focus on what you’ve already absorbed.There are books in all genres and with something to appeal to every taste, available online and through libraries.Have you always wanted to read the classics? Download a few and give it a go.Looking for something less taxing to your brain? Why not start with some childrens literature? This site has a wide array of childrens literature in many languages. An added bonus is seeing translation on the same screen as the English version, so if youre stuck on a word all youve got to do is glance over to see its meaning.Find something that interests you, find a quiet corner and start reading. You’ll be glad you did when you realize you’ve absorbed a great deal with very little effort.8. Cinema, Anyone?The eighth hint is another o ne that I love!Go to the movies! Grab some popcorn and your beverage of choice, and sit in a movie theater for a couple of hours. Hearing a language spoken illustrates proper word placement. We learn by example!9.  Grab Your Paper and PencilNumber nine may seem tough for some but if you apply yourself, this one gets easier.What is it?Write!I can’t emphasize the importance of this hint enough! This one goes along with the speaking and reading hintsâ€"writing is one of the best ways to reinforce what we’re learning!Implementing all the skills you’ve already learned will solidify rules. Writing helps so much so even if you struggle in the beginning, keep at it. Eventually it will become second nature, as it did with your native language.Something I do on a regular basis is to keep a  journal in a foreign language. I know it sounds daunting but honestly it isnt. Its great practice and I often surprise myself by knowing more vocabulary than I realized. Why not give it a try? Youve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. And hey, youll end up with a journal that reads like a foreign novel!If journaling isnt your thing, why not start a blog? Blogs can either be private or public, but I suggest going public. After all, you probably have a lot to offer readers. And knowing that other sets of eyes will be perusing your words is a built-in incentive to do your best work.Make a commitment to post every day, or at least every other day, and youre almost guaranteed to step up those grammar and writing skills.10. Time to Play!Think you’re on the grammar trail and gaining momentum, but maybe you’ve still got some grammar jitters? That’s fine because we’ve got a final hint thats sure to get you past any lingering doubts.Now for the biggie, the tenth hint to taking the mystery out of a foreign language. Ready?Drum roll, please…Make grammar a game.Yes, a game!It’s almost inevitable that when we have fun, we learn more easily. Without the pressure of needing to learn, playtime becomes one of the best teaching devices.So bring some excitement to the language learning table! Laugh, compete and play like you’re a kid! It’s all good because when you learn, you winâ€"there’s no losing here, friends!Download some apps or gamesâ€"even if they’re not designed to teach grammar skills, playing and seeing language in motion reinforces the lessons you’ve learned.Two of my favorites are the FluentU app for iOS  and Android and Duolingo. I haveâ€"and useâ€"both.Final Words on Grammar: A Necessary Part of Any Language Learning EndeavorAdmit it, we all have things we’d rather not do. For some of us, grammar is on that list.But without learning grammar rules and being able to apply them, its unlikely well become fully fluent in a languageâ€"and fluency is really what we’re all looking for, isn’t it?Communication without grammatical correctness is possible, but is it optimal? No, it’s not!We all want to hit the top of our abilities in a new language, and it takes some work to reach that goal.Mystery Solved!Remember, grammar does come eventually when your language skills deepen.Don’t sweat it if you don’t get the right verb tense every single timeâ€"language learning is a process and a journey that’s meant to be enjoyed. Its OK to make mistakesâ€"just try to learn from them.Hopefully these hints have dispelled most of the mystery and difficulties most often attributed to grammar.Follow the tips and before you realize it, the only mystery surrounding your language learning will be deciding which language to tackle next.After all, now that you’ve got these 10 terrific hints to solving the grammar mystery, there’s no reason you can’t learn any language, is there?Happy learning!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Everything you need to know about getting paid to teach English online

Everything you need to know about getting paid to teach English online Whether you want it to be your full-time job or a handy side hustle, teaching English online can be a great way to make some extra cash. Aside from the awesome commute (no public transport and no traffic ) and the opportunity to chat with people all over the world, working as an online teacher means you can choose how much you work and where you work from, so your earning potential is truly in your own hands. But while the freedom that comes with online teaching is great, there are a few practicalities to think about when it comes to getting paid. Being in charge of your own working hours, taxes, and even juggling between different teaching companies is perfectly doable, but doing a little prior research definitely won’t hurt. So, what do you need to know about getting paid to teach English online before you start? How much will I get paid? Let’s start with the most important questions! Browsing around online you might notice that many online teaching companies offer pretty great hourly rates: $20 for working from your sofa, anyone? But it’s worth going through the company interview process to get a breakdown of what your actual pay will be. This is because most online teaching companies don’t pay all of their teachers at the same rate. Instead, they have a pay scale that’s generally between $10-25 per hour. For example, VIPKID is known to provide some of the most generous salaries for online teachers in North America and they pay up to $22 per hour but their rates start at a significantly lower $14. Where you get placed on the scale depends on your experience, qualifications and, crucially, interview performance. Interviews for online teaching nearly always involve teaching a demo lesson so make sure you prep beforehand and do the best lesson you can! On top of your hourly rate, there might also be opportunities to make extra cash that you can factor in. Many schools, such as Qkids, pay bonuses for things like being on time for your lessons, getting students to rebook classes with you and referring new teachers. Some schools pay their teachers more if they work over holidays like Christmas and you might also qualify for a pay rise after you have been in the job for a few months. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. What about lesson planning? Is that paid too? A seriously great advantage of being an online teacher is that you’ll probably have much less lesson planning, report writing, and homework marking to do than you would as a face-to-face teacher. These extra tasks often end up taking a significant amount of (unpaid ?) time. Anyone that’s stared at a blank lesson plan will know that cutting out this paperwork will free up your non-teaching hours, give you some extra mental-space, and provide you with mean a much truer idea of what your hourly pay actually is. That being said, make sure you find out what the expectations are for any school you sign up with. Gogokid doesn’t expect teachers to plan lessons but does require them to write up short lesson reports for parents. Some schools like online teachers to use real-life props in their lessons that you’ll have to find or make in advance. And even if you don’t have to lesson plan, you’ll probably still want to have a look over the provided lesson materials before the lesson starts so you feel prepared. Ask your school about these kinds of tasks and make sure you factor this time in when you’re working out your teaching schedule. Will I get paid the same amount of money every month? How much you get paid each month really depends on your schedule. Each online school works on a slightly different timetable, so it’s worth shopping around a few to see which one will work best for you. To give you an idea, DaDa offers lets teachers choose the days they want to work, but asks for a minimum of ten hours a month. At the iTutor group, teachers must be available to teach some peak hour slots at weekends. And other companies like HAWO work on two and four-week rolling timetables so you can build up regular students. All this means is that there is probably a minimum you can expect to earn each month, but it’s in your hands if you want to increase your hours and earn more. Do I still get paid if my internet cuts out? Making sure you have a reliable internet connection is, well, obviously essential for an online teacher. The last thing your students want is to be stuck staring at a frozen screen, straining to make out your pronunciation through a crackly connection. This matters because you really need to build up a base of loyal online students. Not only are these students the best way to keep your online teaching career ticking over but they’re also the best part of the job! Getting to know your students and seeing how they progress over time is one of the most rewarding parts of the job for any teacher. You won’t be surprised to find out that online schools also take your internet connection seriously. Companies like VIPKID will cut your pay if your internet cuts out for more than 3 minutes per class. This might sound harsh, but from the students’ perspective, 3 minutes is 10% of a 30-minute class they’ve paid for. So, if you’re going to invest in one thing before you start online teaching, make it your internet provider. When will I get paid? In the same way that different schools have different teaching schedules, they also have different payment schedules. Depending on the policy at your school, you could be paid monthly, weekly, immediately after the lesson ends or a mixture of all three if you work for a few different schools. Way to avoid that end-of-the-month, empty bank account feeling! Make sure you check not only when you can expect to get paid but also how long the transfer time is for international payments, so you know when any money should be available in your account. So, will I get paid straight into my bank account then? Most online teaching schools will either pay you via PayPal (in countries where it’s accepted) or directly into your bank account. The transaction fee from PayPal or your bank will come out of your wages so make sure you are calculating that into what your take-home salary should be. What about paying my taxes? Do not forget to pay your taxes! Whatever you earn teaching online will be subject to tax in the country where you live. It’s up to you, not your school, to be on top of this so make sure you do some research into how you declare your taxes and how much they will be before you start teaching. Getting an idea of the taxes you need to pay in advance will mean you’re on top of your legal responsibilities and you can put some money aside on a regular basis to make sure that you don’t get hit with a painful tax bill out of the blue. And that’s everything you need to know about how you get paid for online teaching! Remember each school will have their own way of doing things, so make sure you check the finer details with them. And otherwise, get ready to travel the world and earn some $$$ all from the comfort of your apartment. Or, your dream nomad location. Or… Well, you get the idea.

The NFL Protests Were Never About the Military or Flag

The NFL Protests Were Never About the Military or Flag Baltimore Ravens players kneel during the national anthem before a game against the Jacksonville Jaguars at Wembley Stadium. Taken by Matt Dunham / AP. There has been a lot of heat generated around the topic of NFL players refusing to stand during the national anthem this past weekend; so much so that even President Trump called the players sons of bitches. I cant get two posts deep into my Facebook feed without seeing something about it on either side of the debate, and there seems to be one common thread that permeates every post and comment section: the debate that sitting/kneeling during the national anthem is or isnt disrespectful to our military, flag, and/or anthem. When I realized that this was the main debate surrounding the story, I couldnt help but think about how off-topic the conversation has become. The truth is, the players peaceful protest was never about the military or the flag or the anthem, but about rampant and systematic injustice seen in the United States today, specifically injustice related to race. Lets think back to the man that started the movement. When asked why he refused to stand for the national anthem during one of his football games back in 2016, Colin Kaepernick said, ultimately its to bring awareness and make people realize whats really going on in this country. There are a lot of things going on that are unjust and people arent being held accountable for, and thats something that needs to change. This country stands for freedom, liberty, justice for all, and its not happening for all right now. He went on to specify that police brutality against black Americans and the murder of black Americans by the hands of police officers and correctional officers was the center point of this peaceful protest.  This is not to insinuate that all deaths of black Americans by the hands of officers were unjust by any means. The deaths  of unarmed black Americans  that were suspicious and seemingly covered up were the focus, aka police brutality fueled by racism. In the same interview, Kaepernick was asked how he felt about the accusations that, because the American flag and the national anthem are symbols of the military, he was disrespecting the troops by refusing to stand. Kaepernick responded, I have great respect for men and women that have fought for this country. I have family and friends that have gone and fought for this country and they fight for freedom. They fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice for everyone. And thats not happening. Not only this, but   former Seahawks player and Green Beret Nate Boyer spoke with Kaeppernick regarding the protest as well, and convinced him to kneel rather than to stay seated on the bench. Why? Respect. We sorta came to a middle ground where he would take a knee alongside his teammates, Boyer says. Soldiers take a knee in front of a fallen brothers grave, you know, to show respect. When were on a patrol, you know, and we go into a security halt, we take a knee, and we pull security.   When asked if Kaeppernick was receptive to his ideas, Boyer described him as very receptive. Very receptive. [Kaeppernick] said, I think that would be I think I think that would be really powerful, Boyer recalls. Tweet by NateBoyer37 The decision to kneel during the national anthem was meant to raise awareness about the failure of the United States government to stand for its citizens in extreme cases of injustice; Kaeppernick and the participating players were kneeling at their fallen brothers graves, as Boyer would put it. Furthermore, our national colors, red, white and blue, were chosen as the colors for the flag and seal of the United States for specific reasons.  Charles Thomson, Secretary of the Continental Congress,  explained the significance of the colors to Congress  when he presented the first official United States seal in the late 1770s. White was chosen because it represents purity and innocence; red was chosen because it signifies hardiness and valor; blue was chosen because it represents vigilance, perseverance and  justice. The players participating in the NFL protest were originally refusing to stand for the anthem because they feel that the values represented by the United States flag and anthem were not being upheld and practiced as they shouldve been. In support of this claim, Kaepernick said, Ill continue to sit. Ill continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. To me, this is something that has to change and when theres significant change and I feel like that flag represents what its supposed to represent and this country is representing people the way that its supposed to, Ill stand. However, the NFL protest evolved after a series of tweets issued by President Trump that called for protesting players to be fired. Trump also tweeted that, the issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race. It is about respect for our Country, Flag, and National Anthem. NFL must respect this! The problem with Trumps tweets is that the protest had almost everything to do with race and always had since its inception. It seems that the entire issue of racism and unjust deaths of black American citizens by the hands of police officers has been understated and replaced with a less uncomfortable argument by accusing the movement of being unpatriotic. The NFL protest suddenly grew in the number of players participating simply because of their desire to demonstrate their first amendment right. President Trumps call to fire NFL players that are protesting is utterly unconstitutional. Additionally, the protest was never aimed at the United States military, the flag or the anthem, but at racia l injustice. The fact that the attention has completely shifted away from the original issue of injustice and police brutality is unsettling. Tweets posted by @realDonaldTrump With the right to freedom of speech comes the responsibility of good judgement regarding what should or shouldnt be said where and when. Ive seen a lot of comments that allude to the idea that athletes should keep their political opinions off the field, the same argument that has been levied against celebrities at award shows and concerts. I understand how realizing that your favorite celebrity or sports team doesnt share your beliefs or values can be difficult. Disagreement is uncomfortable, especially when we disagree on things that are part of our hearts and souls. However, we need to remember that the stand that the NFL players are taking is because reforming the injustice they see and feel in the country they love is part of their hearts and souls, and theres no place of better visibility to raise awareness for their cause than on national television at a football game. Theyre using the best resources they have in order to make a change and raise awareness. Even if you dont agree with the action of sitting down or kneeling during the national anthem, I think its safe to assume that we all want a safe and just criminal justice system for everyone. Nobody deserves to have their life or their loved ones lives stripped away because of someone elses hatred or indifference. Thats what the NFL protests are about: liberty and justice for all,  not anti-patriotism or disrespect.

?? Awesome Dyspraxia Resources For Teachers And Learners

?? Awesome Dyspraxia Resources For Teachers And Learners Awesome Dyspraxia Resources For Teachers And Learners When we talk about Special Educational Needs, or SEN, what’s the first thing that springs to your mind? Dyslexia, ADHD, perhaps even autism. But what about dyspraxia?You might have heard it mentioned in passing, but not really known what it’s all about and so kept quiet. Let’s face it, us humans are pretty proud creatures, we don’t tend to shout about it if we don’t know something. So, what is dyspraxia? Dyspraxia is a developmental disorder that causes the brain to struggle with coordinating things like speech, movement and organisation. Symptoms generally start to show in early childhood, often as excessive clumsiness and will continue into adulthood.Dyspraxia doesn’t affect intelligence, but it can make things like writing, typing, talking and planning tough in the day-to-day life of sufferers.For those that suffer from dyspraxia, some of the most frustrating parts are a lack of public understanding about what the condition actually is and strategies for coping with it . In light of that, we’ve been working with our expert SEN tutors to learn about how they support their students with dyspraxia and the resources they use to provide the most effective dyspraxia tutoring.We’ve compiled a short list of some of the most highly recommended dyspraxia resources for teachers, for parents and for adults and children living with it. Whether you want some practical tips on setting up a training plan, want to read some inspiring and thought-provoking bloggers who are living with the condition, or just want to learn a little more about dyspraxia, there’s a little bit of everything. Read on for some awesome resources! Practical Training PlansSkills for Action The Skills for Action website aims to provide parents and teachers of children with developmental movement conditions, such as dyspraxia, with information and practical suggestions on how to improve fitness and coordination. The goal is to provide all the training needed to enable dyspraxic children to perform the same actions as their classmates, such as sitting at a table for drawing and handwriting tasks, and participating in PE lessons and sporting activities.Included are suggestions for parents, teachers and tutors on providing dyspraxia support in the classroom and at home. The site covers how to decide what activities to include in a training program, how to motivate a reluctant child, how to find time for training in a busy daily schedule, and activities for training muscle strength, balance, agility and basic ball skills. You can check the site out here. OT Mom Learning Activities OT Mom Learning Activities aims to empower parents and teachers by providing photographed activities and information on dyspraxia training. The focus is on helping children develop the skills needed for formal schooling. “I try to keep jargon to a minimum and to explain concepts clearly”Produced by Tracey le Roux, a homeschooling mum with extensive experience in paediatric occupational therapy. Skills covered in Tracey’s site include fine motor, gross motor and coordination, visual perception and visual-motor integration. Handwriting, sensory processing and pencil grip development are also addressed. Tracey’s site has a wealth of information, alongside activities that are easy to follow and great fun to put into practice, all parcelled in a no-nonsense, easily digestible format. This site is a must for anyone with preschool or primary school-aged kids with dyspraxia!Take a look hereBlogsThe Blog With (More Than) One Post Starting off with the intention of writing a single blog post for Dyspraxia Awareness Week, Natalie Williams has now written countless posts, with her blog recently hitting over 160,000 views. Natalie has also appeared on BBC radio to discuss her experiences with the condition and is a champion of increasing awareness of the disorder.Natalie’s blog offers excellent insight into dyspraxia, from a personal perspective. She talks about her personal experiences â€" from everyday tasks to school and university â€" in an attempt to raise awareness of dyspraxia and hopefully help others with dyspraxia along the way. There are some awesome diagrams throughout the blog posts, which either explain specific aspects of dyspraxia or give a broader overview of the condition. We’ve had Natalie’s blog recommended by parents, students and tutors alike for her straightforward explanations and the description of her inspiring journey. For anyone wanting to understand dyspraxia from a personal per spective and see just how much you can do despite the condition, this is the blog for you!Check it out hereThink Outside of The Cardboard Box A common and difficult factor of dyspraxia is the anxiety, depression and low self-esteem that is often experienced in association with the condition.Think Outside of The Cardboard Box is an honest and often uplifting account of some of these effects on Rosie, a blogger and dyspraxia awareness campaigner. In her blog, Rosie talks about her day to day life living with dyspraxia, as well as her anxiety. It talks a lot about the emotional impact, self esteem, confidence and mental health issues that are experienced by sufferers, including Rosie. “I hope it helps other people feel not alone in their journeys. I hope it might help people in education understand especially emotionally how they can help people and the value of empathy and understanding”As an area that is talked about very little when attached to a condition that is under-reported, Rosie’s blog is an important resource for those working with sufferers, especially in education. A very personal account of the ups and dow ns of dyspraxia, the blog is well-worth a read.You can find it hereCharitable CommunitiesDyspraxia Foundation Youth The Dyspraxia Foundation Youth is the daughter-site of the charitable Dyspraxia Foundation. Both sites offer general information on the symptoms of dyspraxia as well as details of fundraising and charitable activities. Dyspraxia Foundation Youth is an excellent resource for young adults dealing with the condition. It offers loads of resources produced by young people with dyspraxia, that helps to limit the feeling of isolation that many sufferers experience. From podcasts, to videos and blog posts, there’s loads of stuff to get your teeth into. The resources are largely experiential, being produced by bloggers or active community members, talking about personal journeys through education, tips for people struggling to get to grips with the social impacts of the condition and personal achievements. There are also some great downloadable fact sheets for tips on dealing with anxiety, managing dyspraxia at university and how and when to disclose your condition to friends or employers.T his is a great site for all those young adults wanting somewhere to share their thoughts with people in a similar situation, or just to get some practical information on the subject.Head over hereSo there you have it, 5 awesome dyspraxia resources!Perhaps you know someone with dyspraxia or you’ve experienced it yourself, or maybe you’ve never heard of it before today!Either way, we hope these resources have shone some light on the subject and will help support your knowledge and experience of the condition.Which resources have you found the most useful? Are there any that we’ve missed off? Let us know in the comments below!

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